ASSC New Updated Cleaning Protocols: Self-Caterers Welcome Clarity on COVID-19 Restrictions

ASSC New Updated Cleaning Protocols

Self-Caterers Welcome Clarity on COVID-19 Restrictions

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers has welcomed updated Scottish Government guidance on keeping guests safe during COVID-19.

By working proactively with policy-makers, the ASSC has clarified the self-catering sector’s approach to its cleaning protocols and specifically what operators should do if a guest tests positive while staying with them.

Included in the revamped safeguards will be compliance with new Public Health Scotland guidance for non-health and care settings, with updated guidance on physical distancing and face coverings, whether properties should be left fallow between guests and laundry and utensil care.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, ASSC members have behaved in an exemplary way; adhering to all restrictions, often encountering heavy and lasting personal costs while doing so.

In welcoming these new, updated, measures it is the ASSC’s hope that they will provide the necessary room to manoeuvre for businesses across the sector and will allow for more guests to enjoy a safe break in some of the most beautiful parts of the country.

As the trade body representing Scotland’s vital self-catering sector, the ASSC will continue to work constructively with government, and all other stakeholders, to help the sector recover and to secure a positive future for the thousands of people who make their living by creating memory-making holidays, both for Scots and those who visit our country.

Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers Chief Executive, Fiona Campbell, said:

“All of us at the ASSC are delighted to have worked with the Scottish Government, Public Health Scotland, and Infection Prevention and Control to create these more streamlined, common sense, and flexible rules as we prepare to get back to business.

“It is our hope that this will be the start of a continued loosening of restrictions and provision of support that will help save our sector from the real danger it has faced throughout the pandemic.

“Our partners can be assured that the ASSC stands ready, willing, and able to help strike the right balance between the valued safety of our customers and the freedom to operate that our businesses need.”

2021 Cleaning Protocols V5

ICO (Information Commissioners Office) REGISTRATION UPDATE

We were contacted by the ICO this week, to let us know that they are now actively chasing up on previous letters to businesses in the accommodation and food sector.
This is the letter they are sending out, and the tone has changed. You now have to either Register and pay or fill in the exemption form.


Links for the ICO Website:

This is what they asked us to send to you…..

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is the UK regulator for data protection and information rights. In June 2021 they will be writing to the accommodation and food sector to remind you that you may have a legal responsibility to register with the ICO and pay the data protection fee. For most companies, this is £40 or £60 per year.

If you receive a letter, you should check if you need to pay and, if you believe you are exempt, you should let the ICO know by 9 July 2021. If you are not exempt, you will need to register through their website and pay the fee. Please note, if you use CCTV for crime prevention purposes it is likely that you will need to register.

There is more information for the activities of households sector on the ICO’s website: Paying a data protection fee – accommodation and food sector:

They also have a web hub specifically designed for small and medium enterprises which has lots of tips and simple guides that you will find useful: SME web hub – advice for all small organisations | ICO:

Thanks to PASC UK for this information:

PASC UK commissioned our solicitors Stephens Scown to write up notes on whether you need to pay, and we have added more FAQ’s to this to. These are available on the website at:

VAT Deferrals Reminder June 2021 Deadline

To support businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, the Government announced on 20 March 2020 that all UK VAT registered businesses would have certain VAT payments deferred automatically until end of March 2021, with no application or notification of HMRC required. A new payment scheme between 23 February and 21 June was subsequently set up as lockdowns continued.

This scheme is due to end shortly which means the deferred payments will be due in full on 30 June unless businesses have chosen to make payments in instalments. As the final 21 June 2021 deadline for joining the scheme is fast approaching, we are encouraging members to check that you have indeed chosen the best payment method that suits your business.

The VAT deferral new payment scheme – how it works:

HMRC’s guidance details that instead of paying the full deferred amount, the new payment scheme allows businesses to make smaller monthly instalments, interest free. Businesses can select the number of monthly instalments they wish to make (up to a maximum of 8 – if you joined between 20 may and 21 June) and all instalments must be paid by the end of March 2022. The first instalment is payable at the time of joining the scheme, and subsequent instalments have to be made in consecutive months.

How to sign up for the new payment scheme?

Online sign up for the new payment scheme is available for most businesses until the 21 June 2021 deadline. Please note that businesses on the VAT Annual Accounting Scheme or Payment on Account Scheme were only able to join the scheme from 10 March 2021.

In order to join the scheme, businesses have to be up to date with their VAT returns and be able to pay by direct debit.

As the scheme requires a direct debit to be set up, businesses must opt in themselves and agents cannot do this on their behalf.

Before opting in, businesses must:

  • create your own Government Gateway account if you don’t already have one
  • submit any outstanding VAT returns from the last four years
  • correct errors on your VAT returns as soon as possible
  • decide the number of equal instalments you wish to make
  • make sure you know how much you owe, including the amount originally deferred and how much you have already paid; and
  • be ready to make your first instalment payment.

If a business wants to join the new payment scheme but cannot use the online service (for example because they do not have a UK bank account, can’t pay by direct debit or have dual signatories on their account) they should contact the COVID-19 helpline when the scheme opens on 0800 024 1222.

More information can be found in HMRC’s guidance. You can contact HMRC on 0800 024 1222 by 30 June 2021 if you need more help to pay. Failure to make arrangements to pay by instalments may result in interest or a 5% penalty being charged.

You can sign up here:

Thanks to PASC UK for providing this update.