Travel between Scotland and the rest of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man

This guidance applies to people who live in Scotland and to people who live in any of these countries who are thinking of coming to Scotland.

Restrictions and advice on what you can do and where you can travel are also in place within England, Wales and Northern Ireland and in the other territories in the Common Travel area, the Republic of Ireland, Jersey, Guernsey and the Isle of Man.

Under current Scottish regulations, given the state of the epidemic in these countries, unless you have a reasonable excuse (see exceptions) you must not travel between Scotland and:

  • England
  • Northern Ireland
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Wales

These rules will be kept under review and if the prevalence of the virus in all, or part of, any of these countries reduces it may be possible to relax these restrictions for some areas.

Read the full guidance

English Tiers and Travel Guidance

From 2nd December, England comes out of Lockdown 2.0. Guidance has been issued regarding travel restrictions.

See the full list of English regions by Tier Level. Please note that these new Tier levels will be reviewed after 14 days meaning that they will be in place until 16th December.

Read the statement that the Health Secretary made to parliament announcing the new regional Tier levels.

The UK Government has produced new posters for each of the three Tiers to reflect yesterday’s announcement regarding rule changes. These pdfs are an excellent way of informing both staff and customers on the rules and restrictions that are in operation in the areas that your member’s business is located.

Travel Guidance:

  • if you live in a tier 1 area and travel to an area in a higher tier you should follow the rules for that area while you are there. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as part of a longer journey.
  • if you live in a tier 2 area, you must continue to follow tier 2 rules when you travel to a tier 1 area. Avoid travel to or overnight stays in tier 3 areas other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through a tier 3 area as a part of a longer journey
  • Avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays other than where necessary, such as for work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities. You can travel through other areas as part of a longer journey


Coronavirus (COVID-19): tourism and hospitality sector guidance

Scottish Government has issued the following Guidance for the tourism and hospitality sector, including procedures for staff and customer safety and an operations checklist.

Frequently asked questions

These questions and answers are aimed at providing further clarity to sector businesses following publication of Scottish Government sectoral guidance, and subsequent statutory guidance and additional measures for the hospitality sector, including those as a result of Scotland’s Strategic Framework. It is not separate to government guidance but designed to complement it and further the understanding of what businesses need to consider and do to ensure they are operating safely and within the legal requirements.

As we move through Scotland’sRoute Map, guidance is having to be regularly reviewed and updated. Government does not want to keep restrictions in place a moment longer than is necessary, but safety must come first. Businesses are therefore requested to maintain the excellent work that has been undertaken so far and to continue working with authorities to build on that progress.

We have prepared this in cooperation with Environmental Health Officers and industry. It will be updated as more information becomes available.

Strategic Framework Levels Based Approach – from 2 November 2020

Read the full FAQs Here