Policy Paper: The Long Term Future for Short-Term Letting

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) has launched a new policy paper on holiday let regulation.

The Long-Term Approach to Short-Term Letting paper was announced by ASSC Chief Executive, Fiona Campbell, during a speech at the Private Renting in Scotland: Rent Pressure Zones and Short-term Lets event hosted by Holyrood magazine today, 19th February 2019.

As part of the ASSC’s on-going to commitment to be part of the conversation around self-catering, the paper outlines proposals that would see short-term rental properties come under a mandatory registration scheme in order to provide local authorities with as much information as possible.

The paper also outlines the ASSC’s support for the introduction of rent-pressure zones which would allow local councils to limit the number of holiday lets in areas that meet certain conditions.

If implemented, the Long-Term Approach would address several of the concerns that have been raised about short-term lets by balancing the rights and interest of local communities with those of Scotland’s £723million per year short-term rental market.

During her speech Fiona Campbell also reaffirmed the ASSC’s commitment to engaging with stakeholders across Scotland to find a positive and proactive future for self-catering and the broader tourism sector.

The Top 100 Women in Tourism winner also reiterated the association’s willingness to listen to the concerns of communities and expressed a desire that the ASSC’s proposals would be considered actively across the sector.

ASSC Chief Executive, Fiona Campbell, said:

“I’m delighted to launch the Long-Term Approach to Short-Term Letting paper on behalf of the ASSC.

“This paper represents a good faith contribution to the on-going debate around short-term rentals in Scotland.

“We believe that our suggestions form a model around which we can build consensus from civic Scotland, the public, and our own industry.

“There is a balance to be struck and, in our view, that is what this paper does.

“We look forward to engaging with all parties who care to discuss it with us.”

Adding, ASSC Chair, Linda Battison, said:

“Self-catering is a great sector, in which much of the spend goes directly into small and medium sized local businesses.

“There is no question about the positive economic impact self-catering has but we acknowledge that tourism and the needs of local communities must be carefully balanced to ensure that Scotland’s warm welcome is not threatened.

“We believe that our approach is sensible, proportionate, and in line with government policy”

“If implemented fairly it will allow our sector to provide accommodation where it is needed without upsetting the important balance between visitors and residents.”

Read the Policy Paper: ASSC Policy Paper